Property Listings

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Your search returned 8 property listings.
Battle Ground Place Apartments 112 SW 3rd Ave Battle Ground, WA 98604 Over 2 year wait or wait list currently closed Individual/Family
CherryBrook Apartments 511 SE 2nd Street Battle Ground, WA 98604 Over 2 year wait or wait list currently closed Seniors/Persons with Disabilities
Clark Village Apartments 211 8th Street Washougal, WA 98671 Over a year Individual/Family
Columbia Heights 409 NE 93rd Ave Vancouver, WA 98664 1 to 3 months Individual/Family
Fruit Valley Court Apartments 1904 W 34th Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Over 2 year wait or wait list currently closed Individual/Family
Kirkland Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 6 months to 1 year Senior only
Rivergrove Apartments 617 S.E. 4th Street Battle Ground, WA 98604 Over a year Individual/Family
Smith Tower 515 Washington Street Vancouver, WA 98660 3 to 6 months Senior only

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